Automotive Charging System Repair & Alternator Replacement in San Antonio

Auto Service Experts Car Charging & Starting Repair Specialists.

Auto Service Experts has provided complete automotive charging system and alternator repair in San Antonio for over 20 years. Our master technicians are certified in charging and starting repair by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). Extensive experience and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment allow us to quickly and accurately diagnose charging problems in all vehicle makes and models, including diesel trucks and hybrid cars.

Most Charging System Diagnostics Are FREE With Repairs!

Alternator replacement to repair car charging system

Alternator Replacement at Auto Service Experts San Antonio Auto Repair Shop

Our thorough diagnostic procedures include testing the alternator, battery, wiring and circuits, amperage output, voltage, voltage regulator, alternator pulleys, starter motor, drive belt, and more as necessary. This allows us to ensure an accurate diagnosis & avoid replacing any parts unnecessarily. We repair car charging problems quickly, correctly, and affordably. We also back all our work with a nationwide warranty on parts and labor.

A Dead Battery Does Not Always Mean You Need A Battery Replacement:

A car battery is responsible for powering the ignition system and starter. If you turn the key and your car won’t start, there is a good chance that the battery is dead. You may hear a clicking sound or hear it slowly turning over but never actually starting. Sometimes, nothing will happen at all.

Dim lights while trying to start the vehicle indicate low voltage in the charging system. Several different issues, including an uncharged or bad battery or an alternator problem can cause low voltage. Just because the battery is dead does not mean it is bad. Replacing the battery will not solve the problem if the alternator is malfunctioning. Dirt or corrosion on the battery terminals or battery post can also cause a bad connection, so always have a mechanic check this before replacing any parts.

Auto Service Experts Specializes in Complete Hybrid Car Repair Including Hybrid Battery Replacements.

Your Car Cannot Run Without the Alternator!

Modern vehicles place increasingly heavy demands on the alternator. In older vehicles, the alternator’s primary responsibilities were charging the battery and powering the lights & stereo. Today’s vehicles include many critical electrical components that rely on the alternator. Engine Management Computers (ECM), spark plugs, heated seats, blind spot indicators, backup cameras, collision warning sensors, navigation systems, and cell phone charging outlets are all powered by the alternator.

Alternator Replacement

Your vehicle’s alternator is an A/C generator serving two main functions. First, it charges the battery while the engine is running. Second, it supplies the power that operates electronic components (such as lights, stereo system, power windows, navigation systems, etc.) while the engine is on. When the engine is not running, many of these components rely on power from the battery. This is why forgetting to turn off your lights often leads to a dead battery and a car that won’t start. Allowing the battery to drain completely may cause permanent damage to the battery, but most often simply jumping or charging it will solve the problem.

Some common signs that you may have a bad alternator include dim lights and slow or hard cranking. Your vehicle is also equipped with dashboard warning lights that may indicate a charging system problem. Keep in mind, however, that some alternator problems, such as a bad voltage regulator, can prevent the lights from functioning properly. Just because the warning indicator is not illuminated does not mean that there is not a problem.

When your car’s battery light comes on, it may be because the battery is not maintaining sufficient charge. It takes further diagnostics to determine whether the issue is simply a dead battery, a bad battery that cannot hold a charge, a bad alternator that is not sufficiently charging the battery, or even a problem with the ignition switch. The light will usually come on when the charging system is not working. Complete charging system failure often indicates a broken alternator drive belt. Because starter problems, bad batteries, and bad alternators all have similar symptoms, these problems are easily misdiagnosed. Before having a battery or alternator replacement, be sure to have a certified technician determine the exact cause of your charging or starting problem.

Alternator Drive Belt or Serpentine Belt Replacement

Having the alternator’s drive belt checked periodically is a good idea. This belt is powered by the rotation of the engine and drives the alternator. Many vehicles run on a serpentine belt, which also drives other components such as the power steering pump, water pump, and AC compressor. Other vehicles use separate belts to drive each component. If the alternator belt is loose, it reduces efficiency and runs down the battery. The drive belt eventually wears out or breaks and should be replaced according to the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule to avoid damaging components.

Alternator driven by serpentine belt on Chevy Truck
The alternator on this Chevrolet Z71 1500 is driven by a serpentine belt, which also drives the water pump and power steering pump.

Voltage Regulator

The voltage regulator is responsible for regulating alternator output, or voltage. The regulator applies current to the alternator or stops applying current as necessary to maintain the ideal voltage range of 13.5 volts and 14.5 volts. If the voltage drops too low, there will not be enough power to run the necessary electrical components. If the voltage is too high, it can damage or “fry” the electrical components. On most newer vehicles, the voltage regulator is internal and is mounted inside the alternator housing. If the internal voltage regulator is bad, it is usually the most cost-effective to have the entire alternator replaced. Older cars and trucks (as well as some new Ford vehicles) have an external voltage regulator mounted on the outside of the housing and connected to the alternator by a wiring harness. A bad external voltage regulator can be replaced without replacing the alternator. Before replacing any parts, the wiring harness should be inspected to eliminate possible electrical issues.

Electrical Issues May Cause Charging Problems

Faulty wiring or bad circuits create electrical problems within the charging system. These can prevent the alternator from charging the battery properly even if both the alternator and battery are good. Auto Service Experts technicians have extensive experience in auto electrical repair & diagnostics. Before replacing the battery or alternator, we will ensure that the problem is not caused by an electrical issue.

The alternator generates AC or alternating current, but automotive electrical components require DC or direct current to power their operation. Within the alternator, there are 6 diodes connected to the rectifier assembly, which work together to convert the AC current to DC current before it passes through the electrical system. A shorted diode will allow AC current to pass through the system, which can create any number or combination of electrical issues within the vehicle. This can mean serious problems because many modern automotive systems are computer-controlled.

Electrical Charging Diagnostics on Honda Civic Coupe

Car charging diagnostics on Honda Civic

In this photo, a technician has connected an ammeter to measure the amperage (or the volume of electricity) that is being drawn from the charging system. The amount of draw on almost all vehicles should remain below 50 milliamps, however, the ammeter is showing a 397 milliamp draw. Although the car is off and no electrical components are being used, a large volume of electricity is being drawn from the charging system. Under this condition, the battery will die out within a few days and will not hold a sufficient charge until the issue is fixed. The large amperage draw could be due to a problem within one of the electrical components such as the radio or lights, a short in the alternator, or any number of other electrical issues. Extensive electrical diagnostics are required to determine the exact cause of the problem and prevent it from reoccurring.