How to Evaluate and Choose the Best Transmission Repair Shop

Master mechanic certified transmission specialist performing rebuild at our transmission shop

Auto Service Experts San Antonio Transmission Shop

Transmission Repair Shops in San Antonio are not hard to find, but it is sometimes difficult to determine which is the best. There are many things to consider when deciding which shop to trust your vehicle to.

ASE Certified Transmission Repair Mechanics

Choose a shop which employs highly experienced mechanics with specialized training in the field of transmission repair. The ASE National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence is a highly renowned organization which provides testing and certifications designed to verify that a technician has in-depth knowledge and understanding of their respective automotive field. Auto Service Experts transmission mechanics are ASE certified and complete ongoing training through Car Quest Technical Institute and  Technet Professional Auto Service. Look for the ASE Blue Seal of Automotive Excellence, and ask to see technician certifications if they are not displayed in the shop’s office.

Community Reputation and Number of Years the Shop Has Been in Business

A little research can go a long way in choosing which shop to trust with repairing or rebuilding your vehicle’s transmission. Check the business’s standing with the local Chamber of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau, taking note of the number and nature of any complaints filed, and whether those complaints have been resolved. For repair shops that have been in business for many years, you will be able to get a very good idea of their level of integrity and ethical business practices. Auto Service Experts has been in business since 2003 and has a BBB A+ rating.

Transmission Shop Reviews and Recommendations

Online Reviews from reputable sources such as Google+, Google Maps, City Search, Insider Pages, Repair Pal, Yelp, and Facebook provide excellent insight on the level of customer service provided by a particular transmission rebuild shop. Negative reviews are a definite red flag. Positive reviews usually indicate that the shop has gone above and beyond in a way that inspired someone to take the time to share their experience with others. Auto Service Experts San Antonio Transmission Repair Shop has over 170 reviews across 6 different platforms and has an overall rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. To read them for yourself, check us out on any of the above listed social media platforms, or see a collection of verified reviews under “About Us”.

Ask for recommendations from friends, neighbors, and family members. People who have lived in the area for a long time will often have good advice on which shops to trust and which to avoid. When you do find a shop which provides excellent repair services and operates on honesty and integrity, share that information with others!

ASE Blue Seal of Automotive Excellence

Auto Service Experts Proudly Displays the ASE Blue Seal of Automotive Excellence

Signs of High Quality, Professional Auto Repair Shops

Clean and well-organized garage and office areas are typically a good sign that a shop takes a great level of pride in their work, and pays close attention to details.

State of the art equipment and tools show that a shop is highly invested in the quality of repairs and diagnostic services which they provide. Many newer cars require specialized equipment and a shop which lacks in this area will not be able to complete repairs properly, or in a timely manner. Top of the line diagnostic equipment also greatly reduces the chance of a misdiagnosis which can cost the customer time and money. Ask if the shop has the proper tools and experience repairing transmissions on your specific make and model of car, truck, or SUV, especially if it is a hybrid or diesel engine.

Look for a shop with friendly and knowledgeable mechanics and service writers who readily answer any questions you may have, and provide detailed and clear explanations of any problems found as well as the necessary repairs. A good technician should give you a complete diagnosis and be willing and able to discuss the best repair or rebuild options for your vehicle based upon the problems you are experiencing, the overall condition of the vehicle, and any specific needs or concerns you may have.

A reliable and honest transmission shop should provide an accurate estimate of the total cost of repair, and obtain written permission from the customer before beginning any work. Transmission diagnostics often involve removing the transmission from the vehicle entirely, which is both time-consuming and expensive. It is a good idea to ask for a general price estimate before any in-depth diagnostics are performed and be sure you have your transmission diagnosed at a reputable shop where you want to have the repairs completed. This way you won’t end up paying for the transmission to be removed and reinstalled twice, or feeling pressured to have the repairs done at an inferior shop simply because they have already removed and disassembled the transmission for diagnostics. 

When comparing transmission repair cost estimates, understand that differences in price quotes often reflect the level of technician expertise, quality of parts, parts and services included, the warranty provided, and more. The cheapest quote is not necessarily always the best, so ask questions to ensure that you receive a high-quality repair that will not need to be repeated as soon as your warranty expires.

Auto Service Experts backs all transmission rebuilds and repairs with a complete 3 year/ 36,000 mile warranty including parts & labor.

Consider any extra conveniences provided which can help to make your experience as fast and painless as possible. Auto Service Experts offers many services such as FREE DIAGNOSTICS, complimentary shuttle rides, WiFi & beverages, towing and rental car availability, early bird and late owl drop offs, and accepts extended and nationwide warranties.